Neck Massage Routine At Home For Relief In Under 10 Minutes

Watch The Full Routine

Neck pain and shoulder stiffness is frequently treated with stretches and movements that aim to provide a solution but do little more than offer short term relief at the expense of the long term recovery. Movements such as chin to chest stretches or twisting the next to one side or the other are too extreme and put pressure on the neck in ways that only makes the problem worse. So what are you supposed to do because the neck muscle pain is real and the shoulder stiffness can be unbearable. 

Enter massage guns. 

These tools are tremendously affordable nowadays and can offer you a mechanism to provide effective relief for the stiffness in the muscles in a way that does not create more issues. The massage gun used properly works to provide some gentle relief to the muscles, improving circulation, breakdown of scar tissues and improved muscle health and function, just what’s needed for the stiffness that is undoubtedly making the neck injury worse.

Whether it is a whiplash injury, a disc herniation or something else that’s causing your neck pain, the muscle spasm is best treated with the use of these tools. This is why we’ve put together a short video that you can follow to make sure you’re working all the right areas to take pressure off your neck, not just the neck itself, but the upper body too.

How to use this routine for your neck and shoulder pain

You can follow along with this routine daily, before or after your rehabilitation exercises to help ease stiffness and tension in the region and take pressure off the cervical spine. Some find it helpful to do this before an exercise routine, others find it good to do after to help the area relax afterwards. 

Finally, if you have any medical conditions that could affect the health of your blood vessels it is worth consulting your Doctor before you use this kind of device on your neck. 

With that out of the way, here are some tips that you want to pay attention to when using your massage gun:

Tip 1: Be careful to benign with around the neck

With the neck more so than the lower back, be gentle, the neck can be a sensitive area and perhaps the first time you use the gun the the neck area, focus more around the base of the neck closest to your shoulders, as you feel more comfortable with what you’re doing, you can work up the side of the neck more. 

Tip 2: Be gentle around the neck

It is important that we do not press too hard on the neck, thee muscles are relatively small and often not as well developed, working along the sides of the neck can be sensitive so more than in other areas begin with gentle application of the massage gun. Less can often me more when it comes to massage work and more force is rarely the right move.

Tip 3: Focus more on the shoulder girdle

Although some of the areas of the shoulder region might not be “bothering you” when it comes to the neck and shoulder region, tightness on the front is frequently not symptomatic, you might well find that these areas are surprisingly tight when you start working on them. This is very normal. It’s worth focusing here to help ease the pull on the neck and shoulders that’s coming from the front.

If you found this routine to be helpful please save the video and follow along each time you do the routine and remember you can always share it with a friend who’s struggling with neck or shoulder pain too.

If you’ve been struggling with neck pain for a while yourself too, then do check out the neck pain relief program for more support and a structured program to help rebuild your neck health safely, for the long term.

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