FAQ & Support

Below is a list of just some of the conditions that previous members of the program have had, finding relief from the BIS program. Depending on which condition you have you’ll find different parts of the program easier or more challenging:


  • Chronic back pain (20 years)
  • Back pain after failed surgery
  • L4/L5 Disc bulges & herniations
  • L5/S1 Disc bulges & herniations
  • Spondylolisthesis
  • Spine arthritis
  • Degenerative disc disease
  • Sciatica & sciatic leg pain
  • Spine stenosis
  • Scoliosis
  • Muscle & Ligament Strains

If you need anymore information on your specific condition, reach out to our team.

All subscriptions will auto-renew as default to ensure that your experience is as smooth as possible.

If you need any help managing auto-renewal or any other part of your subscription, reach out to the team via e-mail.

You can cancel your subscription anytime by reaching out to our team via e-mail and we can cancel your subscription immediately.

Please also include the email associated with your account so we can quickly identify you.

At this time we only ship orders in the UK, should you wish to order our products from further afield we can make arrangements. Please contact us directly concerning your requirements and we will do our best to accommodate.

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