7 Things To Avoid With Back Pain

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When it comes to finding relief from back pain it is vital that you do the right sort of exercises and practices in order to rehabilitate, strengthen and make lasting improvement. However, if you’re doing all the right things, this good work can quickly and subtly become undermined if you persist in bad practices.

The importance of elimination of bad practices becomes evident when we consider, for example, a rehabilitation program. Exercises may make up 1 hour or so of your day. Assuming that you are doing these every day as you should be you’ve got approximately 1/16th of your waking time working for you, this amounts to less than 7% of your day.

Imagine working towards any goal but only devoting 7% of your waking hours towards the pursuit of that day. It’s not a lot is it?

What’s worse is when you consider the amount of time every day in percentage terms we may be doing things, like the 7 examples above, that are working towards the undermining of our progress. Take the steps now to rid yourself of these bad practices and make sure you continue to devote yourself to the good practices which, given the time, will result in you achieving resolution of your back pain and a return to normality.

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