How To Use The Core Properly To Help With Back Pain?

Engaging your core correctly when doing an exercise is incredibly important when it comes to rehabilitating a lower back injury. This is frequently done in an unfavourable manner because many of us become out of touch with how our core works. When it comes to an exercise like the abdominal rotations to strengthen your core and lower back, poor form could arguably make this great exercise rather problematic.

The classic mistake is to “strain” rather than engage the core. A secondary error is due to a lack of “feeling” on the exercise. When you’re not engaged correctly, you often won’t “feel” the exercise working. It therefore becomes common that you’ll just use stronger and stronger resistance bands, or weights if it was a different exercise.

This is a big mistake! If you’re doing the exercise properly with correctly engaged core muscles, you should be able to feel that core working with no weight at all.

You should be able to “hyper engage” those muscles and get them to almost cramp up. This is not necessary for every repetition but you should always first ask yourself, am I engaging properly?

Whether it is this exercise for your core and low back, or any other more simple, or complex exercise, make sure that you’re engaging your core correctly, with a good posture before, during and after you finish the exercise. Following this guidance when your training your core, especially if you’ve got lower back pain, will help dramatically improve your results.

More importantly the correct technique will make the exercises much less likely to create aggravation for your lower back.

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