Comparing Cardio Exercises – Which Is Best For Lower Back Pain?

When you’ve got back pain finding the right source of cardio can be a challenge. Naturally you might get away with incorporating your preferred method for a short period of time, say a week or so. However it isn’t uncommon for the choice to seem right in the short term but after a week or two it becomes problematic. This can be down to the type of cardio, it can be down to the timing of the cardio, it can also be down to the intensity with which you get back into the cardio.

In this video we talk about 5 forms of cardiovascular activity. Let’s face it, it’s the circulatory system that’s going to provide your body with the fuel it needs to repair and regenerate. Partaking in cardio exercise can also help you shift excess bodyweight in conjunction with good diet, another benefit for your lower back pain. With this in mind, using cardio as a tool at the right time is a smart move. 

In this video we talk about some common options for cardio, the pros and cons of each, as well as how exactly we would recommend you going about incorporating your cardio for maximum benefit and maximum chances of success whilst reducing the likelihood of it triggering a relapse through doing too much or starting too soon.

If you’ve been thinking about the need to get some cardio done this video is a must!

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